So, the thing my friends probably hate me for most is my tendency to organise things into lists. Ever since I shared that first bourbon with my best friend in the reception classroom, i've been concocting the top five lists. Top five fremch films, top five cakes, top five park benches in bristol, you name it, i have the list. Well, maybe that's all an exageration, but i DO have a top five reasons why YOU should follow me!
reason number one: you might be really really old and out of touch with the hip-and-happening younger generation. well I can be your magic link...
reason number two: i am right now from this VERY MINUTE adding another aspect to this blog: the best things going on in Bristol and my favourite (or even top five) books, music and films. And i have a lot.
getting excited?
reason number three: you may not have any real friends, and simply want to feel loved. well you can read my chatter every day and feel as if you actually KNOW another human being.
reason number four: you could be a stalker. but let's not dwell on that one...
and if you still are considering clicking that magical "next blog" then have a little pity... reason five:
all i have ever wanted to do is be a journalist, and when i put some effort in I can actually write using correct capitalisation, but i NEED at least 30 followers to be accepted into this writing competition. and i really really need your help! So even if you never look at this ever again in your life, PLEASE FOLLOW ME!
So unless you are some sort of heartless Aunt Reed, then I'm sure you have already pressed that magical button. please?