1. Cook more. Itll be a great skill to have next year, and is fun! What's not to love?
2. Learn a song off by heart on the piano. I can play endless chopin and debussy from books, but whenever i see a piano elsewhere and someone says "play it", I just can't. I really have to get that sorted!
3. Have more fun... to not say no to going out just because I have been so busy, an evening in isnt always the solution...
4. do the bristol 10k. Not sure if this counts because i had already signed up, but it's quite an impressive resolution for me so I'll keep it!
5. write in this blog more often, or just at all to be honest. I have become completely and uterly hopeless, and am not proud of it!
And that is my humble list. All seems fine to me, especially because I have no exams this january!

And for now, Happy New Year from me! x