23 November 2010

Student Demonstrations in Bristol

Tomorrow is Wednesday 24th November, the date the mass student walkout is planned for 11.00am, and I am taking part! I have never been part of a protest before, and although I'm sure it isnt like I imagine, I am still strangely excited. In my head it ranges between the sort of nitty gritty , were-all-in-this-together, lets-do-this-for-the-greater-good attitude of the miners strikes, with pickets and riot helmets, and the 70s student riots, with dreadlocked students and placard-bearing-spectacle-wearing-librarians-in-the-making women. But I'll just have to experience it for myself I guess...


Me and bohemian-chic-friend have created a bespoke placard, using laura ashley and farrow and ball sample pots my mum had left around - I may not be a protest veteran but I would bet it's the most sophisticated placard there. A new decorator was in our house today, and with his help we found brushes and painted the slogan:


on old wallpaper rolls, and in return I made what was pretty much the first cup of coffee I have ever made, which was politely left, full but cold, on top of the piano.
Being an inexperienced blogger, I dont know how to "sign off". It's one of those awkward moments like when you say bye to someone, and then both walk off  in the same direction... do I go for the cheery but cheesy "see you next time", or end with some meaningful and thought provoking comment?
Today I think I'll just finish off with an x.

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