I read an article in the paper yesterday written by a student who failed to get into oxford. And without sounding superior, I could sort of see why, because as I read the article I found myself getting more and more and more annoyed at her. But the thing that made it even worse, or perhaps simply the reason for my sudden anger towards this girl, was becuase not only could she not write, but she HAD A VERY LONG PIECE IN A NATIONAL PAPER. Which is exactly where I want to be, so I'm probably just jealous. But anyway, because this is supposed to be my serious-nuckle-down-revision week I have spent a lot of it procrastinating, and therefore have suddenyl taken an interest in this blog again.
So when I saw this article I went on the website and began to mindlessly follow links... and here are some things i have discovered:
Tina Fey. Ok, so she looks uncannily like sarah palin, and has had millions of insults thrown at her over the internet on youtube and the like, but I found her way of dealing with some of them hilarious. And quite refreshing, to be honest...
Posted by Sonya in Tx on 7/4/2010, 4.33 pm
When is Tina going to do something
about that hideous scar across her
Dear Sonya in Tx,
Greetings, Texan friend! (I'm assuming the "Tx" in your screen name stands for Texas and not some rare chromosomal deficiency you have. Hope I'm right about that!)
First of all, my apologies for the delayed response. I was unaware you had written until I went on tmz.com to watch some of their amazing footage of people in LA leaving restaurants and I stumbled upon your question.
I'm sure if you and I compare schedules we could find a time to get together and do something about this scar of mine. But the trickier question is what am I going to do? I would love to get your advice, actually. I'm assuming you're a physician, because you seem really knowledgeable about how the human body works.
What do you think I should do about this hideous scar? I guess I could wear a bag on my head, but do I go with linen like the Elephant Man or a simple brown paper like the Unknown Comic? Too many choices, help!
Thank you for your time. You are a credit to Texas and Viking women both.
P.S. Great use of double question marks, by the way. It makes you seem young.
So I have decided that if I ever actually get a comment at all, and it's a not very nice sort of comment, I will respond to it with exactly this mixture of forced politeness and irony. So beware, if anyone's actually there...
Another thing I discovered was this youthube video about some ignorant Americans, who I never really realised were THAT ignorant, although of course i'm sure the majority are "really rather well informed, thankyou very much". I don't know how much of it was staged, or if its really all true, but it made me laugh in the middle of a particularly tricky spot of the Russian Revolution, so thankyou youtube once again!
And then whilst I was in the mood for taking the piss, I discovered these pieces about the royal wedding.

Emmy the Great - she really is great....
And there was a song by Emmy the Great about the mothers whose daughters didn't marry Wills.
and so then I was in a Royal Wedding mood. Being usually very unpatriotic and very enthusuastic about being half welsh, this surprised me, and then I found this story:
This just has to be the ultimate royal wedding souvenir.
And then I got back to some hard core revision. But not for long , so don't worry. I'm sure I'll be back with more pointless information some day very soon...
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